

Sunday, October 02, 2016

If you've been wanting to visit Korea, or miss Korea badly like me, and want to go there again, then this might be your chance to make that dream come true! Recently, Korea Tourism Organization once again launched an online hashtag event that gives participants a chance to visit Korea. Titled 'Korea visits you!', the event invites foreigners to post photos they've taken in Korea (if they've been there) or images of experiences they wish to have in Korea (if they haven't been there yet) in their SNS accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Weibo).

Here's Korea Tourism Ambassador Song Joong Ki, inviting you to visit Korea! ^^

The step by step guidelines in joining are as follows:

KTO even provided a guideline for copying the URL on your SNS posts, which you can check out HERE.

In posting on your SNS accounts, please don't forget to use the following hashtags and to make your posts PUBLIC so KTO can track them:

After posting on your SNS accounts, please don't forget to register at the event page. Just click on the 'PARTICIPATE' button at the event page HERE:

Then, you're all set to register!

KTO will choose 1 winner for 5 weeks (September 27- October 31, 2016), and each winner will get 2 roundtrip tickets + a hotel voucher for 3 nights and 4 days stay in Korea. Winners will be announced weekly (every Friday) in the event website and will also be notified via email individually. Their trip to Korea will be documented daily and may be used by KTO as video content.

If you intend to join, do take note of this schedule for the sending of entries and announcement of winners for each week:

If you have questions regarding the event, you may contact and they will reply to you within 5 working days.

Please don't forget to read the complete terms and conditions for more details on the online event HERE.

You can also check out these videos to give you some inspiration! I feel happy for these girls, their stories are really touching! I'd cry my heart out if I'd experience this:

Now, I wish everyone (including myself) all the luck! I hope to win this event so I can visit Korea with my sister! ^^

P.S.: Photo Credit: Korea Tourism Organization (I just photoshopped it with a photo I took when I was in Korea. No copyright infringement intended :) )


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